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Mitigate stress when preparing for a divorce

by | Mar 26, 2021 | Divorce

Once you decide that the differences between you and your spouse are irreconcilable, you may have to make some important decisions about your future. Especially if you’re a parent, filing for divorce automatically sparks a series of changes in life, some of which may be more stressful than others.

If you and your spouse disagree on issues such as child custody, property division or alimony, a Texas family court judge can make decisions on your behalf. Keeping several things in mind as you prepare for proceedings may help keep stress to a minimum.

Get your finances in order and establish independent credit

Divorce costs money. Beyond that, transitioning back into a single lifestyle can present financial challenges that you might not be prepared to meet. This is especially true if you’ve been out of the workforce for a number of years because you sacrificed a career to stay home and raise your children.

To prepare for divorce, it’s a good idea to establish your own line of credit, to close all jointly owned bank accounts and open your own, and to organize your finances as best you can.

Compile documents that may be useful during proceedings

During property division proceedings or for issues concerning child support, you may need to show the court proof of income, not only for yourself but for your spouse, as well. In addition to income history, tax information, credit card statements and all banking information may be pertinent in a divorce.

The more organized your documents are from the start, the less stressful divorce proceedings might be.

Where will you live while you await a settlement?

Deciding what will happen to your marital home is one of numerous important issues you must resolve in a divorce. You might think it is less stressful if you and your children remain in the same house after you finalize your divorce. You and your spouse might agree that it’s best if you both move out even before you’ve signed a final agreement.

What’s most important is finding a solution that keeps your children’s best interests in mind and creates the least amount of disruption and stress for you.

Build a strong support network

As you and your children cope with a divorce, there may be times when you want to reach out for additional support. For instance, close family members or friends can help with babysitting or driving kids to and from school or other activities. If you or one of your children is struggling emotionally, you may want to speak with a licensed counselor who specializes in helping families navigate divorce.

It’s also a good idea to know where to turn for support if a legal problem arises that is causing you stress and that you do not feel equipped to handle on your own.