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Houston Child Custody and Support Modifications Lawyer

An attorney reviewing paperwork with clients.

When life throws curveballs, it often impacts the delicate balance of family dynamics. Perhaps you’ve relocated for a new job, or your child’s schedule has significantly changed. Such changes can make current custody and support orders unsuitable, requiring an update to fit your present situation better.

Child custody modifications can include changes to parental rights and duties or adjustments to visitation schedules. These modifications ensure that the arrangements continue to serve the best interests of your child. 

For example, a change in one parent’s work schedule might require a new visitation arrangement, or a relocation might necessitate revisiting the terms of the custody order.

Understanding the intricacies of modifying these orders in Texas, including the legal grounds for modification and the procedural steps involved, is essential. Whether you’re seeking to update a child custody order, visitation schedule, or child support payments, understanding the process is the first step toward achieving a solution that works for everyone involved.

At The Farias Law Firm in Houston, we can help you through this often complicated process. Our family law attorneys provide legal support and compassionate representation, ensuring that your family’s best interests are prioritized. We understand the challenges that come with modifying child custody and support orders and are committed to offering the guidance and assistance you need. Our dedicated team is ready to answer your questions and work with you every step of the way. 

Contact us at 713-226-7999 for assistance with your child custody and support modifications in Houston.

Understanding Child Custody and Support Modifications in Houston

Adapting to life changes and ensuring children’s needs are met is a main aspect of child custody and support modifications in Houston. Family dynamics are fluid, and what worked at the time of the original agreement may no longer be practical or beneficial. This is where the need for modifications comes into play.

It’s important to know that you can make these changes even after a divorce is final because family situations can change over time.

Whether it’s a new job, moving to a new place, or your child’s growing needs, you might need to update your custody or support orders to make sure everyone is taken care of and your child’s best interests are always put first.

Legal Process for Modifying Child Custody in Houston

The legal process for modifying child custody in Texas involves several steps:

  1. File a Modification Case: Begin by filing a modification case in the Texas county where the current order was made, even if the child now lives in another county. This ensures that the original jurisdiction handles the modification.
  2. Submit Necessary Documents: The parent requesting the modification must submit necessary documents, including a petition to modify and any supporting affidavits. If the request is made within one year of the prior court order, an affidavit with supporting facts must be included to justify the modification.
  3. Affidavit Requirement: Include an affidavit with supporting facts if the request is made within one year of the prior court order. Failure to attach this affidavit may result in the court dismissing the case without a hearing.
  4. Contested Modification: If the other parent contests the modification, the court will schedule a hearing. This hearing will determine if the requested modification is necessary.
  5. Agreed Modification: If both parents agree on the modification, the process can be completed smoothly and efficiently without the need for a contested hearing.

The Farias Law Firm is equipped to guide you through the initial stages of the legal process and provide unwavering support throughout. From the moment you contact us, our experienced modification attorneys will help you understand your rights and the necessary steps to modify child custody or support orders.

We assist in filing the required documents, gathering supporting evidence, and representing you in court if needed. Our compassionate approach ensures that your family’s best interests are always prioritized, making the complex legal process as smooth and stress-free as possible. Whether you’re facing a contested modification or seeking an agreed adjustment, our Houston modifications lawyers are here to help you every step of the way.

Parents’ Basic Rights

In Texas, parents have certain basic rights concerning their children. These rights include:

  1. The right to make decisions concerning the child’s upbringing, including decisions regarding education, healthcare, and religious training.
  2. The right to access and possess the child, which means the right to spend time with the child and to have physical custody of the child.
  3. The right to receive information from any other person who has access to information about the child, such as teachers, doctors, or counselors.
  4. The right to consent to the child’s marriage, enlistment in the armed forces, and medical and psychiatric treatment.
  5. The right to receive child support from the other parent, if applicable.

It is important to note that these rights can be limited or modified by court order if it is determined to be in the best interests of the child. 

Grounds for Modifying Child Custody Orders

Family life is ever-changing, and sometimes, what was once a suitable arrangement no longer meets the needs of the involved parties. Knowing the grounds for modifying child custody orders is essential for any parent considering this step. It ensures that the requested modification is grounded in substantial changes that are in the best interest of the child.

Substantial Change in Circumstances

Man fired from job carrying a box of stuff.Life is unpredictable, and significant changes can occur that impact the suitability of existing custody arrangements. Texas law permits child custody modification if there is a substantial change in circumstances after the original agreement. These changes must be significant and long-lasting, rather than temporary.

Examples of substantial changes include:

  • Job loss
  • Relocation
  • Remarriage
  • Debilitating illnesses
  • Changes in the child’s needs
  • Substance abuse or mental health issues of the primary parent
  • The child’s preference to live with a noncustodial parent
  • The custodial parent willingly relinquishes custody for at least six months

For instance, if the primary parent can no longer care for the child due to substance abuse or mental health issues, this would be considered a material and substantial change in circumstances.

These life changes can make the current arrangement unfair, so it’s important to file a modification petition to make sure the child’s needs are met in a stable and supportive environment.

Child’s Preference in Custody Decisions

The court always prioritizes the child’s best interests, considering factors such as the child’s relationship with each parent, the stability of each parent’s home environment, and the child’s overall well-being.

In Texas, a child aged 12 or older can express their preference regarding which parent they want to live with. The child’s expressed preference is taken seriously, but the judge will determine if acting on this preference aligns with the child’s best interests.

This nuanced approach ensures that the child’s voice is heard while safeguarding their welfare, which remains the paramount concern in any custody arrangement.

Modifying Child Support Orders in Houston 

Changes in your financial situation or the passage of time can make an existing child support order outdated and impractical. In Texas, modifications to child support orders can be requested if there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the last order or if at least three years have passed.

Child support rates can be modified by the state if there is:

  • A shift in income
  • The addition of a new child
  • Changes in spousal support
  • A monthly amount required that changes by at least 20 percent or $100 under the state formula

This allows for adjustments to be made to reflect changes in circumstances, making it possible to modify child support payments to align with the current financial reality and the needs of the child. Ensuring that those who pay child support make accurate payments is essential for maintaining a stable and supportive environment.

Please be aware that legal regulations including potential dollar amounts may change over time. For the most current and accurate information, consult with a legal professional to ensure accuracy in your specific situation.

Financial Changes Affecting Child Support

Financial changes like job loss, pay increases, or shifts in health insurance significantly affect child support modifications. For example, a payor’s loss of a job or significant pay cuts are common reasons for seeking a reduction in child support payments. 

Conversely, an increase in a payor’s income can lead to higher child support payments unless they are already paying the maximum amount allowed by Texas law. Promotions or substantial pay increases can necessitate such changes, ensuring the child’s needs are met adequately.

Changes in health insurance coverage, such as a new job that does not offer health insurance, can also be grounds for modifying child support orders. These financial shifts highlight the importance of keeping child support arrangements flexible and responsive to current circumstances.

If you suspect your ex-spouse got a raise and is hiding it to avoid paying more child support, you can take action. Start by gathering any evidence you can find, such as social media posts or changes in their lifestyle that suggest a higher income. Then, you can request the court to order your ex to disclose their financial information. The court can require them to provide pay stubs, tax returns, and other documents that show their true income. If it turns out they did get a raise, the court can adjust the child support payments to reflect their new financial situation.

The Farias Law Firm can assist you in this process by helping you gather the necessary evidence, filing the appropriate legal motions, and representing you in court. Our experienced Houston child support modifications lawyer will ensure that your case is presented effectively, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Ensuring the Best Interests of the Child

Texas courts prioritize the best interests of the child when considering modifications to child support. The Texas Family Code emphasizes the child’s welfare over the desires and preferences of the parents in modification cases.

When deciding the modification hearing, the court takes into account factors like changes in medical needs or living situations that require additional financial support. This ensures that any modifications benefit the child’s welfare and provide a stable, supportive environment.

Role of Mediation and Negotiation in Modifications

Mediation and negotiation offer a collaborative space for parents to negotiate modifications, aiming to reach a mutually satisfying agreement.

Engaging a family law attorney during mediation can facilitate discussions and encourage cooperation between parents. At The Farias Law Firm, we prioritize mediation and negotiation to resolve disputes, saving time and costs for our clients.

How Our Houston Modification Attorneys Can Help

At The Farias Law Firm, we help our clients with modifications of court orders involving child custody and support due to our extensive experience in family law. Our client-centered approach ensures high-quality guidance and support throughout the modification process.

We help clients navigate the modification process smoothly, addressing any challenges that may arise. For those seeking assistance with modifying child support, our office is ready to provide the necessary support and guidance.

Choose The Farias Law Firm for Your Modification Needs

A father on the floor hugging his daughter in front of the mother.The Farias Law Firm handles cases with devotion, ensuring the best representation for our clients. Our firm is known for handling family law cases with compassion, ensuring that clients receive the most well-informed decisions. We offer bilingual services to accommodate Spanish-speaking clients, ensuring effective communication without relying on translators.

Clients describe us as patient, smart, creative, hardworking, calm, and tenacious, reflecting the qualities we bring to every case. Additionally, our extensive knowledge of family law allows us to handle complex legal processes effectively. We prioritize the best interests of your family, providing strategic guidance and robust representation. Our commitment to excellence and personalized service makes us a trusted choice for your family law needs.

If you’re facing changes in your family dynamics and need legal support, don’t wait. Our team is here to help you navigate child custody and support modifications with compassion and experience. Call us now to ensure the best interests of your family are prioritized.

Contact The Farias Law Firm today at 713-226-7999

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if the other parent refuses to comply with the modified custody order?

If the other parent is not complying with the modified custody order, you should document each instance of non-compliance and gather any relevant evidence, such as missed visitation dates or communication records. It is important to report these violations to your attorney, who can file a motion for enforcement with the court. The court may impose penalties on the non-compliant parent, which can include fines, modification of custody arrangements, or even jail time.

Can I modify a child support order if my financial situation has improved?

Yes, a child support order can be modified if there has been a significant change in your financial situation, such as a substantial increase in income. This ensures that the child benefits from the improved financial circumstances. You will need to provide documentation of your new income and file a petition with the court to request the modification.

How long does the process of modifying a custody or support order typically take?

The duration of the modification process can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case and whether both parties agree to the changes. On average, it can take several months to complete the process from filing the petition to receiving a final court order. If the case is contested, it may take longer due to the need for additional hearings and evidence.

Is it possible to modify a custody order without going to court?

Yes, it is possible to modify a custody order without going to court if both parents agree to the changes. In such cases, the parents can draft an agreed modification order and submit it to the court for approval. Once the court reviews and approves the agreement, it becomes legally binding and enforceable.