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Houston Spousal Maintenance Lawyers: Ensuring Your Needs are Prioritized

Navigating the turbulent waters of divorce can be challenging, especially when it comes to spousal maintenance in Houston, Texas. With complex laws and emotional stress, it’s essential to have an experienced, dedicated Houston spousal maintenance lawyer by your side. The Farias Law Firm will help ensure a fair outcome and protect your rights during this difficult time. Call us today at 713-226-7999 to schedule a consultation with our seasoned Houston spousal maintenance lawyers.

We understand the intricacies of spousal maintenance laws in Texas and are committed to guiding you through the process with experience and compassion. From assessing eligibility to advocating for fair spousal maintenance, we prioritize your rights and work toward a resolution that safeguards your financial future. Trust The Farias Law Firm to navigate the complexities of spousal maintenance in Houston, providing you with the support you need for a fair and just outcome.

Understanding Spousal Maintenance in Houston, Texas

Alimony, or spousal maintenance as it’s known in Texas, is a legal obligation where one spouse provides financial support to the other after divorce or separation. The amount and duration of this support are determined based on the unique needs and circumstances of each spouse, with the objective of making sure their needs are met. 

Definition of Spousal Maintenance

Spousal maintenance is legally mandated financial support provided from one paying spouse to another after divorce or separation. In Houston, Texas, there are two main types of spousal maintenance: temporary spousal maintenance and contractual spousal maintenance, with court-ordered spousal maintenance also being an option.

The amount and duration of spousal maintenance awards are determined based on factors such as financial need, earning capacity, duration of marriage, and marital misconduct such as domestic violence.

Purpose of spousal maintenance

As per Texas law, spousal maintenance primarily serves to financially aid a spouse struggling for self-sufficiency post-divorce. spousal maintenance ensures that the recipient spouse can continue to meet their financial needs.

Through financial aid, spousal maintenance assists the less privileged spouse in attaining self-reliance and financial autonomy.

The Role of a Houston Spousal Maintenance Lawyer

Engaging a Houston spousal maintenance lawyer at The Farias Law Firm is essential to maneuver through the complexities of spousal maintenance. With ever-changing laws and regulations, having our knowledgeable and adept representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Our Houston spousal maintenance lawyers will not only provide legal counsel but also represent your interests during negotiation and mediation first and will be prepared to take the case to court if needed.

Legal Counsel

The Farias Law Firm will:

  • Guide you through the legal process
  • Offer advice and representation to protect your interests and ensure a fair spousal maintenance agreement
  • Diligently gather evidence
  • Carefully prepare legal arguments
  • Confidently present your case in court (negotiation and mediation first)

The lawyer’s objective is to secure a just and advantageous outcome for the person seeking spousal maintenance in terms of spousal maintenance.

In addition to representation in court, The Farias Law Firm can help you with:

  • Understanding your rights and options regarding spousal maintenance
  • Explaining the various factors that the court considers when determining spousal maintenance awards
  • Providing guidance on the different types of spousal maintenance available in Houston, such as temporary spousal maintenance, contractual spousal maintenance, and court-ordered spousal maintenance.

Negotiation and Mediation

Negotiation is a vital aspect of the services provided by a Houston spousal maintenance lawyer in spousal maintenance cases. They use negotiation techniques to advocate for their clients’ interests and reach a reasonable spousal maintenance agreement with the other party. This involves debating and negotiating multiple aspects of spousal maintenance, such as the amount, duration, and terms of payment.

Utilizing mediation can also help in reaching an spousal maintenance agreement without resorting to a lengthy court battle. Mediation provides a collaborative platform for both parties to discuss their differences and work towards a mutually agreeable settlement. By mitigating conflict and promoting effective communication, mediation can lead to a more amicable resolution of spousal maintenance disputes.

Factors Affecting Spousal Maintenance Awards in Houston, Texas

Alimony, referred to as “maintenance” in Texas, is only granted in specific situations outlined by the state. A spouse may be eligible for spousal maintenance if they lack sufficient property to meet their “minimum reasonable needs,” and one of the following conditions is met:

  • The supporting spouse has a recent domestic violence conviction against the requesting spouse or the couple’s children.
  • The marriage lasted for at least ten years, and the requesting spouse is unable to earn enough to meet minimum reasonable needs despite diligent efforts or skill development.
  • The requesting spouse cannot earn enough to meet their needs due to a debilitating physical or mental disability, or if a child in their custody has such a disability, requiring significant care or supervision (Tex. Fam. Code §§ 8.051, 8.053 (2022)).

If the stringent eligibility criteria are satisfied, the judge will then determine the amount and duration of the maintenance. This decision takes into account various factors specified by the law, reflecting the unique circumstances of each case.

Financial Need and Earning Capacity

Financial need plays a significant role in determining spousal maintenance awards in Houston, Texas. The court will assess the financial resources available to each party, including their income and assets, as well as their financial needs post-divorce. Factors such as education, employment abilities, and earning capacity are also taken into consideration when deciding the amount of spousal maintenance.

Earning capacity is assessed through a vocational evaluation conducted by a vocational professional. This evaluation considers the spouse’s:

  • Training
  • Job skills
  • Employment history
  • Potential for future earnings
  • Physical or mental disability (if applicable)

To determine the spouse’s earning potential and their ability to provide for their own financial needs, it’s important to consider whether they have a sufficient income.

Duration of Marriage and Marital Misconduct

The length of the marriage is another significant factor in determining eligibility for spousal maintenance in Texas. The court may take into account the duration of the marriage when deciding the amount and duration of spousal maintenance payments. Longer marriages typically result in more extended spousal maintenance payments, while shorter marriages may result in reduced or no spousal maintenance at all.

Marital misconduct, such as adultery or cruelty, may also impact spousal maintenance decisions in Houston, Texas. While proving adultery alone does not necessarily make a spouse eligible for spousal maintenance, the court may consider such misconduct when deciding on the amount and duration of spousal maintenance payments. The impact of marital misconduct on spousal maintenance decisions can vary depending on the individual circumstances of each case.

Types of Spousal Maintenance in Houston, Texas

In Houston, Texas there are various types of spousal maintenance available, including temporary spousal maintenance, contractual spousal maintenance, and court-ordered spousal maintenance. Each type serves a different purpose and offers unique benefits to the spouses involved.

Temporary Spousal Maintenance

Temporary spousal maintenance is a type of spousal maintenance that is paid during divorce proceedings and ceases after a specific duration. It is usually granted to provide financial assistance to the lower-earning spouse while the divorce is ongoing, requiring the higher-earning spouse to pay spousal maintenance.

The amount of temporary spousal maintenance is determined by the court based on the financial resources and needs of each spouse.

Contractual Spousal Maintenance

Contractual spousal maintenance is a voluntary agreement between spouses for support payments, offering more flexibility than court-ordered maintenance payments. This type of spousal maintenance allows the spouses to create a customized post-divorce support plan that ideally suits their individual needs.

Contractual spousal maintenance, as outlined in the Texas Family Code, can also result in larger payment amounts than the statutory maximum in Texas.

Court-Ordered Spousal Maintenance

Court-ordered spousal maintenance is determined by the court based on statutory guidelines and eligibility requirements. In Texas, the amount of spousal maintenance that a court can order is limited to a maximum of $5,000 or 20% of the paying spouse’s gross monthly income, whichever is lower.

The spouse seeking maintenance must demonstrate that they will not be able to satisfy their financial needs after the division of marital property due to various reasons such as a mental or physical disability.

Modifying or Terminating Spousal Maintenance in Houston, Texas

Spousal maintenance may be modified or terminated if certain conditions are met, such as a significant change in circumstances or the death of either spouse. Understanding the process of modifying or terminating spousal maintenance is crucial for both the paying and receiving spouses.


If there is a substantial change in circumstances, such as a change in income or financial need, the court may grant modifications to the spousal maintenance agreement. To request a modification, a spouse must file a petition with the court that initially granted the support order, providing relevant documentation to demonstrate the change in circumstances.


Spousal maintenance can be terminated if specific conditions are met, such as the receiving spouse’s remarriage or the death of either spouse. To terminate spousal maintenance, a spouse seeking spousal maintenance must file a request for termination with the court, providing evidence to support the termination claim.

It’s pivotal to seek advice from a Houston spousal maintenance lawyer from The Farias Law Firm to confirm that correct documents and declarations are incorporated in the request.

Contact The Farias Law Firm: Your Trusted Houston Spousal Maintenance Lawyers

The Farias Law Firm excels in handling family law matters such as spousal maintenance, divorce, and custody issues. Our skilled family law attorneys have a commitment to client satisfaction, providing legal counsel and mediation services to help you navigate the complexities of spousal maintenance and achieve a favorable outcome in your case.

Embarking on the journey of divorce, particularly when navigating the complexities of spousal maintenance in Houston, Texas, can be overwhelming. The Farias Law Firm understands the challenges posed by intricate laws and emotional turmoil during this process. Our dedicated Houston spousal maintenance lawyers are here to guide you, ensuring a fair resolution and safeguarding your rights. Don’t face this difficult time alone—call The Farias Law Firm today at 713-226-7999 to schedule a consultation with our seasoned legal team and take the first step toward a more secure future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What disqualifies you from spousal maintenance in Texas?

In Texas, cohabitation and remarriage can disqualify you from receiving spousal maintenance payments.

What is the average spousal maintenance allowance in Texas?

In Texas, the average spousal maintenance allowance is limited to 20% of the spouse’s average monthly gross income or $5,000 (whichever is lower).

Is it hard to get spousal maintenance in Texas?

Getting spousal maintenance in Texas is difficult; courts rarely award it due to the requirement to prove need, and those who can support themselves are unlikely to receive it. To increase the chances of getting spousal maintenance, entering a private contract through the divorce settlement is the preferred route.

How long does a spouse have to pay spousal maintenance in Texas?

In Texas, spousal maintenance payments cannot last longer than 10 years regardless of the length of the marriage. For marriages less than 10 years long, spousal maintenance payments can be up to 5 years, for 20-30 year marriages, 7 years, and for marriages over 30 years, 10 years.

What is the main purpose of spousal maintenance in Houston, Texas?

In Houston, Texas, spousal maintenance is primarily meant to ensure a spouse’s financial stability post-divorce, providing financial assistance to ensure their needs are met.