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Spring Texas Family Law Attorney

Family Law can be highly contentious, especially when both parties involved believe they are right. This can mean that coming to a mutually favorable arrangement can be difficult.

Family law cases can be emotionally draining and complicated; partners arguing over the division of assets in a messy divorce, spouses fighting for child custody, or ex-spouses refusing to pay child support or spousal support. It can be very easy to feel overwhelmed.

By securing representation from a skilled Texas family law attorney, you will ensure that you have someone with specific experience in negotiation, mediation and advocating for your legal rights in court if needed.

Upset couple arguing on a couch.

Contact a Spring, Texas Family Law Lawyer Today!

At The Farias Law Firm, our Family Law Practice will support you with your personal family law matters. We understand that every situation is unique, which is why we will work hard to assign a dedicated Texas family law lawyer to your case, who has the experience and skill set to achieve favorable outcomes for you and your family.

Our main focus here at The Farias Law Firm is to ensure that you and your family are able to move forward to a new and successful future, whatever that may look like for you.

Once representation has been obtained from someone in our specialized team, you can relax, knowing that you are now in the most capable hands. We will be on hand to advise you throughout the entire process; explaining your rights and possible options, as well as meditating over any conversations that need to take place.

Call us today at 713-364-3942.

Why Do I Need a Texas Family Law Lawyer?

When you obtain representation from an experienced family law attorney, you are ensuring that you have an unbiased individual on your side that is acting on your behalf without emotional involvement in the issues surrounding your case. Their extensive knowledge and experience will allow them to offer advice from a place of clarity.

All paperwork and negotiations with the other party will be led by your Spring, Texas family law lawyer. Your family law attorney will be on hand to help defuse any situation that may arise if discussions become heated. If for any reason, a settlement cannot be achieved, they will end negotiations and prepare for trial.

What are the Traits of a Capable Spring Texas Family Law Lawyer?

Many clients who are looking for an experienced family law attorney have never been through the process before, and this can make it a difficult decision. Family law matters are often very emotionally charged and the outcome of your case can have a big impact on your life for many years.

Finding a family law attorney is a personal decision. Before hiring your attorney, here is what we recommend you look for.

Previous Track Record

You should always ask potential attorneys about their previous cases and track records. The more cases with similarities to your own they have successfully dealt with, the more likely they will be to handle your case with expertise.

You can ask them for testimonials from previous clients. Be wary of attorneys who are unwilling to provide evidence from previous wins.


Family law cases are personal, and you need to feel safe to discuss difficult matters with your divorce attorney.

If you feel that your relationship with your divorce attorney is not safe and comfortable, you should consider looking for another family law lawyer.


It is important to remember that any successful and experienced family law attorney will usually have a full caseload all year round, meaning you may not have access to your attorney instantly.

However, you should feel that they are able to prioritize you and that they have the time to return your calls and messages promptly.

Questions to consider when choosing a potential Texas Family Law Attorney

  • When should I expect communication?
  • What experience do you have with cases similar to mine?
  • What type of client do you usually work with?
  • Are you willing to share previous testimonials?

The Faris Law Firm Practice Areas

Child Support

As a couple with children in Texas, you are expected to split the parental responsibilities so that any child’s needs are met between the two of you. If you are filing for divorce or paternity, the expectation to maintain child responsibility remains.

Consequently, a parent with custody of a child is within their rights to seek child support from the other party in order to ensure that the child is provided for after the couple separates.

Our skilled Spring, Texas family law attorneys will be able to support you in all family-related legal matters and will assist you if you wish to claim support.

Child Custody

Child custody disputes can be tricky to navigate. When both parents want full custody, conflict can often arise and parents may not realize the full extent their arguments are having on their children.

In Spring, Texas, the child’s best interest will always be the priority of your family law attorney, a judge, or the court. Studies show that children have healthier development when they have access to both parents, and here at The Farias Law Firm, we agree.

However, if you have reason to believe that your ex-spouse or partner may negatively impact the safety of your children and they should not have possession for any reason, you will need to speak with your family law attorney. They will be on hand to support you in your child custody dispute.

A dad hugging his sad son.

Mothers and Fathers’ Rights

Under Texas family law, both parents have equal rights and gender bias is not allowed to impact the decision of the judge. This means that no parent has an automatic right of custody.

As your family law representation, your Spring, Texas attorney will fight to protect your legal rights and ensure that you are being treated fairly; whether you are a mother or a father.

Spousal Support

Often, one party has made continuous sacrifices during the marriage which may have included giving up a career to look after the children and the family home. This may mean that this party needs financial support after the divorce so that they can continue to meet their needs financially. 

With the help of your Spring, Texas family law attorney, you can comprise an extensive case as to why spousal support (alimony) is important and necessary.


Situations may become challenging if an ex-spouse chooses not to pay child or spousal support, or refuses visitation schedules.

The court will not look favorably upon parents who withhold visitation rights or attempt to alienate their ex-spouse in any way.

Therefore, your best option is to seek legal representation from a Spring Texas family law attorney. They will be able to file a petition for enforcement on your behalf. They will also be able to seek the help of the courts if your ex-spouse continues to violate their orders.

Spousal support and child support payments do not simply disappear. Your ex-spouse will have to pay them eventually, so keep calm and seek help from an experienced attorney.

Modification of Court Orders

Court orders are legally binding. This means you must follow all instructions and cannot decide to stop paying for child support or spousal support if the order states that you must pay it.

While this is the case, a drastic change in circumstance, such as a loss of main income or the development of a serious illness, may mean that a court order can be changed.

Harris County, Texas courts may consider modifying court orders if they believe that your children are no longer safe in the custody of another family member.

In order to ensure that your claims to modify an existing court order are successful, you should employ the support of a family law attorney who can assist you in producing the relevant documents for your claim.

High-Asset Divorce

High-value assets include retirement funds, stocks, or investments that have the potential to increase in value over time.

Things can become challenging when high-value assets are involved in the divorce process, as Texas Law states that all assets in a divorce need to be split in a fair and equitable way.

Assets will initially be divided into separate and community property. Separate property is considered to be any assets that were obtained before the marriage began, gifts received during the marriage and inheritance, whereas, community property is an asset that was attained during the marriage itself.

The division of high-value assets can be complicated and can cause combative conversations. It is important that you have an experienced family law attorney to help ensure assets are divided equally and that experts are consulted when more complicated assets are involved.

Property Division

The division of assets rarely looks like an equal split in Texas family law divorce cases. They are divided equitably rather than equally.

A range of factors will be taken into consideration when the courts are allocating assets; such as your debt, your earning potential, and the sacrifices you have made for your family.

When you are going through a divorce, it can be hard to make decisions. An adept family law attorney will prove invaluable through the division of assets process as they can remain neutral, ensuring that you receive the fairest outcome.

Recovery of Attorney Fees

Some divorces will involve one spouse that has a much larger financial pool. Under these circumstances, the tactic of attrition may be employed.

Attrition is a deceptive strategy where one party purposefully aims to drag our legal proceedings so that the other party is no longer able to afford their legal representation.

If you believe this may be happening to you, your family law attorney may be able to apply for support from the court. The other party may be forced to pay your fees if you are successful in building a compelling argument.

Domestic Violence

If you are experiencing domestic violence, you need someone to protect you and your children.

Here at The Farias Law Firm, we endeavor to help you. We will file a protective order on your behalf and that of your children. This can be a very frightening task, but when you seek representation with us, you are not alone.

It may also be the case that you have been falsely accused of domestic violence; an allegation that is sometimes made when a party is attempting to secure custody.  The Farias Law Firm has a proven track record of defending individuals against protective orders.

At The Farias Law Firm, we have experience with cases such as this and we will work in order to not only absolve the accusing party but also denounce them in the eyes of the court.

Contested Divorce

When it comes to divorce proceedings, it is exceptionally rare for both parties to have an uncontested divorce.

During a marriage, many sacrifices are made; lives become entangled, and finances inevitably merge, meaning that when couples divorce it is common for arguments to arise.

Contested divorces can be emotionally challenging and expensive if they continue for too long. It is always better to resolve issues without the need for court involvement. With a skilled family law negotiator and litigator, you can save yourself time, energy, and money. 

Call Our Spring TX Family Law Divorce Lawyers Now!

Family law cases can be frightening, but here at The Farias Law Firm, we have the experience necessary to support you in your family law dispute.

We are dedicated to listening to our clients and ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome. We attempt to ensure disputes are settled quickly and effectively, and when this cannot be achieved through mediation and negotiations, we are not afraid to fight for your rights in court.

Whatever you desire for the future of you and your family, The Farias Law Firm is here to help.

Call us today at 713-364-3942.