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Houston Child Custody and Support Enforcement Lawyer

Are you dealing with child custody issues or need help enforcing child support in Houston? The Farias Law Firm is here to provide you with legal assistance. Our experienced team understands the intricacies of family law and is dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your family. 

Whether you are going through a divorce, modifying an existing custody order, or enforcing child support payments, we are committed to guiding you through these challenging times with compassion and professionalism.

Get the help you need – contact The Farias Law Firm today at 713-226-7999 to schedule a consultation. Let us help you protect your rights and the well-being of your child.

Protecting Parental Rights in Custody Matters

Protecting parental rights is a cornerstone of The Farias Law Firm’s approach to child custody matters. In Texas, parents have certain basic rights with respect to their children. 

These rights include:

  1. The right to make decisions concerning the child’s upbringing, including decisions regarding education, healthcare, and religious training.
  2. The right to access and possess the child, which means the right to spend time with the child and to have physical custody of the child.
  3. The right to receive information from any other person who has access to information about the child, such as teachers, doctors, or counselors.
  4. The right to consent to the child’s marriage, enlistment in the armed forces, and medical and psychiatric treatment.
  5. The right to receive child support from the other parent, if applicable.

It is important to note that these rights can be limited or modified by court order if it is determined to be in the best interests of the child. Additionally, if the parents are not married, the father may need to establish paternity before he can exercise these rights.

Divorce decrees also outline the custody agreement between parents. Under joint custody in Texas, both custodial parents will have a primary role and will have periods of possession and access (visitation) with the child. If the other parent isn’t complying with the agreed-upon visitation schedule outlined in the divorce decree, you can again file a petition for enforcement.

As situations evolve, you may find a need to modify the custody agreement. However, the child’s well-being is always the primary consideration in court orders for custody.

Whether you’re being denied access to your child or need assistance in securing custody, we are here to help you and protect your parental rights. We provide representation and legal advice to ensure that the father or mother’s rights are upheld during custody disputes. Our team is skilled at handling sensitive family matters, offering both legal and emotional support to clients.

Handling Visitation Rights and Schedules

Visitation rights determine the non-custodial parent’s time with their child. It allows them to maintain a relationship and bond with their children. The Farias Law Firm helps create fair visitation schedules that ensure balanced time allocation for both parents. In complex cases, our experienced lawyers evaluate the best interests of the child to propose suitable visitation arrangements.

We are skilled in negotiating parenting plans and offering compassionate support to ensure that visitation schedules work for everyone involved, including the other parent.

Experience in Child Support Enforcement

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The Farias Law Firm focuses on child support enforcement, ensuring that legal obligations are fulfilled and that children’s needs are met. In Texas, child support is calculated based on the income of both parents, the number of children, and other specific needs. Our child custody enforcement lawyers are skilled in resolving child support disputes through negotiation, mediation, or court advocacy.

Whether you need assistance with enforcing court-ordered child support, modifying existing agreements, or adhering to child support guidelines, we are here to provide the legal skills and support you need.

Modifying Child Support Agreements

Life circumstances can change, making it necessary to modify child support agreements. The Farias Law Firm assists clients in modifying these agreements based on material and substantial changes in circumstances. Specific scenarios for modification include:

  • A significant change in the paying parent’s income
  • Loss of employment
  • Changes in the child’s living arrangements
  • Health conditions of either the parent or the child

Our child support enforcement lawyers provide the guidance needed to handle the legal processes involved in requesting and obtaining modifications.

Importance of Adhering to Child Support Guidelines

Sticking to Texas child support guidelines is imperative in avoiding legal complications and guaranteeing fair support for children. Non-compliance with court-ordered child support can result in significant legal consequences, including potential legal actions against non-compliant parents. Following these guidelines ensures that children’s needs are met appropriately, covering essential expenses such as education, healthcare, and basic living costs.

Compliance not only avoids legal disputes but also promotes the just and right manner of distribution of parental resources for the child’s benefit.

Ensuring Compliance with Court Orders

When a parent refuses to pay court-ordered child support, legal actions such as contempt of court can be employed. This can result in potential jail time until the support is paid. Additionally, a child support lien can be filed against the real or personal property of the non-compliant parent.

In some cases, professional or personal licenses of the parent owing child support may be suspended as a penalty for non-compliance. At The Farias Law Firm, we utilize these legal tools to ensure that child support obligations are met, safeguarding the financial well-being of your child.

Legal Actions for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with child support orders in Texas can result in serious consequences such as wage garnishment or suspension of state licenses. The Office of the Attorney General in Texas can request the suspension of a driver’s license if child support payments are overdue by more than three months.

To enforce a visitation order, a Motion to Enforce Visitation may need to be filed with the court. Our team ensures thorough preparation and support to navigate these legal actions effectively.

Using Mediation to Resolve Disputes

Mediation is a recommended approach for resolving disputes related to child custody and support. By using mediation, families can avoid prolonged court battles and reach amicable agreements that prioritize the best interests of the child.

The Farias Law Firm is skilled in facilitating mediation, helping parents find common ground, and developing solutions that work for everyone involved. We prioritize negotiation and mediation as the first steps to resolve disputes but rest assured, we are fully prepared to take the case to court if necessary to protect your rights and the well-being of your child.

Filing a Petition for Enforcement

When court orders are not followed, The Farias Law Firm is prepared to file petitions for enforcement. This process involves detailing the amount of child support owed, paid, and any outstanding arrearages. Documentation required for filing a petition often includes a copy of the court order and evidence of non-compliance.

Our dedicated Houston enforcement attorneys ensure that all necessary information is thoroughly prepared to support your case.

Take Action with The Farias Law Firm

Clients choose The Farias Law Firm for its unique combination of legal experience, personalized attention, and compassionate approach. Our team is deeply familiar with local court systems in Harris, Brazoria, and Galveston counties, providing an advantage with legal matters. We prioritize a tailored approach to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring that their concerns are addressed in a just and right manner. Our unwavering focus on family law guarantees that our clients receive personalized attention and service.

If you are facing child custody or support enforcement issues, The Farias Law Firm is here to help. Our experienced Houston custody and support enforcement lawyers provide thorough legal counsel and personalized support to guide you through these challenging times. Don’t wait to secure the best possible outcome for your child—contact us today at 713-226-7999 to schedule a consultation. Let us help you with confidence and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I modify an existing child custody order?

To modify an existing child custody order in Texas, you must demonstrate a material and substantial change in circumstances since the original order was established. This could include changes in the child’s needs, changes in the parent’s living situation, or evidence that the current arrangement is not in the child’s best interest. It’s essential to file a petition with the court and provide compelling evidence to support the need for modification.

What should I do if my ex-spouse is not following the custody agreement?

If your ex-spouse is not adhering to the custody agreement, you can file a motion to enforce it with the court. This legal action can compel the non-compliant parent to follow the terms of the custody order. The court may impose penalties or sanctions to ensure compliance, and in severe cases, modify custody arrangements to better serve the child’s needs.

How do I establish paternity if the father is not listed on the birth certificate?

To establish paternity in Texas, you can either voluntarily acknowledge paternity or request genetic testing through the court. Voluntary acknowledgment involves both parents signing an Acknowledgment of Paternity form, which legally establishes the father’s identity. If there is a dispute, the court can order genetic testing to confirm paternity, ensuring that the father has legal rights and responsibilities towards the child.