When you decide that you need to file for divorce, you don't want to spend a long time waiting, stuck in an unhappy and failed marriage. While it is normal to want to move quickly with what will surely be a painful process, it takes several times longer to end a...

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Does Texas make divorce expensive compared to other states?
The cost of a divorce can be overwhelming, which is why people sometimes weigh their options before filing in a particular state. Since there are waiting periods and people may want to move after separating, it is possible to choose which state to divorce in under...
3 ways to minimize the cost of your divorce
If you are going to move ahead with a divorce, one of the things you need to consider is how much it will cost overall. The reality is that divorces have some base expenses, but they can get expensive extremely quickly if you allow them to. The good news is that there...
Mitigate stress when preparing for a divorce
Once you decide that the differences between you and your spouse are irreconcilable, you may have to make some important decisions about your future. Especially if you’re a parent, filing for divorce automatically sparks a series of changes in life, some of which may...
Is borderline personality disorder a factor in your divorce?
No two Texas married couples have exactly the same experiences in their relationships. You might have a friend or family member, however, with whom you feel you can closely relate in regard to marriage and, more specifically, to some of the challenges or problems you...
What happens at a temporary orders hearing?
If you are thinking about divorcing your spouse, you are likely to face some uncertainty. That is, you may worry about where you are going to live or what car you are going to drive until the divorce concludes. A temporary orders hearing may bring some focus to an...